ドリーン・マッシー(Doreen Massey)教授特別講演のお知らせ

下記の通りドリーン・マッシー(Doreen Massey)教授特別講演を行いますので多数御参加下さい.

1.日 時 327日(木)15時~1630

2.場 所 国士舘大学34号館B棟第1会場


and Politics


This lecture is about ‘politics’ in the most general
and least formal sense. It looks at how cultivating an active geographical
imagination can be important in developing a sense of respect and
responsibility towards each other. The lecture begins with a few brief examples
of well-known connections between geography and politics. However, the main
body of the lecture makes an argument about how we conceptualise one of
Geography’s central themes – space. Through examples, it will illustrate how
some ways in which we conceptualise space have problematical political
repercussions. It will conclude with positive propositions for an alternative
conceptualisation. The lecture draws on the book For Space, translated by
Professor Masato Mori and just published in Japan.

  • カテゴリー:未分類
  • 投稿日:2014年03月19日